I am Ashwini Gangadhara

Founder & CEO of

Self Awareness Mentor and an Author

I'm Ashwini Gangadhara, daughter of loving parents, and sister of a caring brother.

Ashwini Gangadhara

My Story

I always used to live a confused life and followed the path which other people had shown me that kept me away from what I wanted in my life that’ll make me happy.
But after the pandemic I got the opportunity to spend time with me and started observing my intuitions and went into the depth of it and learned to use it which transformed my life forever.
Now I’m on a mission to touch at least 1 million working women professionals with the help of NLP & Mind Power.


1-O-1 Counseling

Free Workshop


With the Help of NLP

Millions of people are having Low confidence as a speed breaker in their life because they feel they don’t look good don’t speak well, are not smart enough, compare themselves, lack knowledge and because of it their Health, wealth, mind, Business/career, relationships are getting affected severely.

But they can be Super Confident at will whenever they need it using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) a scientifically proven modern tool to reprogram our mind. And that’s why It’s important for us to learn how to be Confident whenever we need it using NLP.

It’s important for us to learn how to be Confident whenever we need it using NLP

Counseling can Help You

Increase your Confidence Level

To many people, confidence doesn’t come naturally. Counseling and NLP would help you find the confidence you need.

Thrive in a Work Environment

Many people don’t know how to navigate in a work environment. Counseling can teach you how to excel at work.

Transform your Thinking

Some people are plagued by negative thoughts. Counseling and NLP can help you deal with this issue and transform your thinking.